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Flying In

We're open seven days from 0800 - 2000 to arrivals (VFR only). PPR is required for all sorts of reasons and is only available online here.
Please adopt the Noise Abatement below and read the information, updated all the time, about our facilities. You'll be able to see if the cafe is open, for example.
Please also note that the Control sign will always be on the right building. We're open 7 days from 0800 - 2000, with Buckenham Radio and RFFS manned in line with the AIP. It's possible that on a weekday that you may see no one. Please don't think that means that the landing is free, or indeed the coffee- the cameras never sleep and we will invoice, with an administraion fee, the 30% of aircraft which leave without paying (or booking out) whilst simultaneously reporting the failure to comply with the law which will have been commited.
We no longer accept cash - Here's how to pay the Landing and other fees.
From 28th August 2023, there are two ways to pay your landing fees:
1. Online, by card, Apple Pay or Google Pay. When you PPR the confirmation email will have a link allowing you to do this. QR codes around the site go to the same place and you can also click here to pay.
2. By card, using iPads at the airfield. You'll find these where you see the Control Sign and you'll need your physical card with you to type in all the numbers. Option 1 is much easier.
We don't accept cash, cheques, IOU's or otherwise. All landing fees are payable by midnight on the day of departure.

From Snetterton join onto a long final for runway 07. Old Buckenham is 065 degrees at 5nm. Take care not to fly over the village of Old Buckenham
Missed Approach
Climb out on runway heading to a distance of 1 1/2 nm then turn LEFT and follow the reverse 25 route to the NORTH of the town of Attleborough. When southwest of Attleborough a turn on base leg can be made.
Runway 07 Grass
Follow the same route
From Snetterton follow the A11 main road routing to the NORTH of the town of Attleborough. When North abeam Attleborough report 'downwind'. The turn onto base leg should be made to leave a 1nm final approach. Do not turn in early. The petrol stations on the A11 should be well inside the circuit.
Missed Approach
As soon as you can, turn onto a heading of 270 degrees for the climb. When you reach the A11 road follow the 25 route to the North of the town of Attleborough.
Runway 25 Grass
Follow the same route
RUNWAY 02/20
Runway 02 is a left hand circuit which follows the 07/25 circuit until the point shown on the OS map.
02 - Short final involves a sharp turn over the fields South of the main. runway NOT over the top of the Priory marked on the OS by a blob.
20 - Approach off the base leg for 25 where shown. Depart with a 70 degree turn to adopt a Westerly heading to the railway line and thus the same as the 25 circuit. DO NOT overfly the Priory.
We are the closest Aerodrome to Snetterton and regularly welcome aircraft including PC-12 and TBM 930. We're able to arrange parking over race weekends and can offer discounts for repeat custom, as well as make arrangements for rapid and discreet VIP movement from aircraft to ground transportation. Please click here to discuss your needs.